This girl photographers are shooting more often, Helga was considered a favorite of Hitler.
He was the godfather of Goebbels children, but older, who at the baptism held in his arms, always singled out. All their children Goebbels called names starting with "H" in honor of Hitler (Hitler) - Helga, Hilde, Helmut, Holda, Hedda, Haida ...
Coincidentally, the son of Magda from a previous marriage also bore the name of the letter "H" - Harald. When parents divorce, the boy continued to live with his father, but married to Magda Goebbels very quickly found a common language with the stepchild, befriended him, and Harold soon moved into a new family to his mother. This is the only surviving child of Magda: in late April in 1945 he was in a POW camp in North Africa. In 1944, Harald served as a lieutenant in the Luftwaffe in Italy, was wounded and arrested by the allied forces. Magda In his farewell letter written to his first son: "The peace that comes after the Führer's not worth it to live in it.'s why I take the kids with them, going out of it. pity to let them live in the life that will come. Gracious God will understand why I decided to take up his own salvation. " Magda Goebbels Hitler idolized. In 1938, it was he who saved their family from divorce. Goebbels then became interested in the Czech actress Lida Baarova. So serious that even tried to commit suicide when Hitler at the request of Magda demanded an end to the novel. Goebbels in response tendered his resignation, hoping to divorce his wife and leave with Baarova abroad. Hitler did not accept the request. Baarova returned home, and Goebbels - in the bosom of a model of the Aryan family. 22th April 1945 around 17.00 Goebbels and his wife Magda and their six children left their apartment on Hermann Goering Strasse and went down into the bunker of the Fuhrer. Forever.
According to the official version, the evening May 1, 1945 12-year-old Helga, 11-year-old Hilda, 9-year-old Helmut, 8-year-old Holden, 6-year-old Hedda and 4-year-old Hedda put to bed.
These included the mother and said, "Do not be afraid. Dr. make you injection, which is done by the children and a soldier, "then left the room.
According dentist Goebbels Helmut Kunz, who did the injection of morphine, "first two older girls, then a boy, and then the rest of the children that took about 10 minutes."
Then Magda brought into the room with cyanide capsules. Kill his own children she was not able to and asked about it Kunz, but he refused, citing the fact that recently lost her two daughters during an air raid.
Then she called the doctor Shtumpfeggera Magda (left on the photo).
Surgeon Obersturmbannfuehrer SS Ludwig Shtumpfegger belonged to the trustees chief SS Heinrich Himmler. According to unconfirmed reports, he has put into the mouths of children crushed ampoule entailed a quick death. All these few days of life in the bunker Helga wrote a letter to his friend, Henry Lea. He was the nephew and son of Rudolf Hess Robert Ley, Reichsleiter and Obergruppenfuhrer CA. Children were the same age, have known each other since childhood, friends. Helga copy of the letter was assigned Helmut Kunz SMERSH employees in May 1945. Original before his arrest he had to send someone from their family members. Another copy after his release from the Soviet camp Kunz gave Henry Lea, and to whom it was addressed. (abridged) My dear Heinrich I may be incorrectly entered, that did not send you that letter she wrote in response to the yours. I probably had to send it to, and I would - pass with Dr. Morrel, who now left Berlin. But I read your letter, and I was amused and ashamed of myself. You write about such difficult things that you have to think, to understand them, and I'm with my eternal haste and my father's habit to teach all the answer is not so, as you probably expect me to. But now I will have time to think about everything; Now I can think of a lot less and somewhere in a hurry.

Surgeon Obersturmbannfuehrer SS Ludwig Shtumpfegger belonged to the trustees chief SS Heinrich Himmler. According to unconfirmed reports, he has put into the mouths of children crushed ampoule entailed a quick death. All these few days of life in the bunker Helga wrote a letter to his friend, Henry Lea. He was the nephew and son of Rudolf Hess Robert Ley, Reichsleiter and Obergruppenfuhrer CA. Children were the same age, have known each other since childhood, friends. Helga copy of the letter was assigned Helmut Kunz SMERSH employees in May 1945. Original before his arrest he had to send someone from their family members. Another copy after his release from the Soviet camp Kunz gave Henry Lea, and to whom it was addressed. (abridged) My dear Heinrich I may be incorrectly entered, that did not send you that letter she wrote in response to the yours. I probably had to send it to, and I would - pass with Dr. Morrel, who now left Berlin. But I read your letter, and I was amused and ashamed of myself. You write about such difficult things that you have to think, to understand them, and I'm with my eternal haste and my father's habit to teach all the answer is not so, as you probably expect me to. But now I will have time to think about everything; Now I can think of a lot less and somewhere in a hurry.
We afternoon moved to the shelter; it is arranged almost below the Reich Chancellery Chancellor. It's very light, but so crowded that there is no place to go;You can only go even lower, which is now the office of the pope and sit telephone operators. I do not know whether it is possible to call from there. Berlin very much bombing and shelling from the guns, and my mother said that there were safe, and we can wait until something is resolved. I have heard said that the planes still fly, and my father told me that I was ready to help her mother quickly assemble small, because we can be, fly away, to the south. I'll think over your letter and I will write every day, as you did for me during that illness ...
I would like to fly! Here, everywhere a light so bright that even if you close your eyes, it is still as bright as if the sun shines in the head, and they come out straight from the eye. Probably from this light all the time I imagine that the ship on which you sailed to America, as if I'm with you: we sit on the deck - you Annchen and I look at the ocean. He is around, he is everywhere, it is very light, soft and full shimmers. And we rock it, as if will not move. And you say that it only seems that way; in fact, we are sailing very quickly to our goal. And I ask you - for what purpose? You are silent, and Annchen silent: we both look forward to hearing from you.
Just came dad, ask how we settled down, and told to go to bed. I do not lay down.Then we had come out of the bedroom, and he told me that I helped a little and my mom. He told me that now things have changed and he is very count on me. I asked, "Will you give me orders?" He replied, "Nope. Never again." Henry, I did not win! No, it's not a victory. You were right: it is impossible, it is foolish to wish to defeat the will of the parents. You can only be yourself and wait. As you were right!I could not stand before his eyes, that his expressions with which he utters and Gunther, and Herr Naumann and me! And now I felt sorry for him. I wish he shouted. I'm going to bed. Let him think that I obeyed. Annchen would not approve.But you know, everything, everything! I am so sad. We should have stayed upstairs....
Blondie ... Parish. She brought the puppy. Do you remember Blondie? She is the granddaughter of Bertha. Blondie probably somehow untied, and I decided to take it down .. Dad told not to go there without permission. And I, who has decided to be obedient .. I went. I only wanted to take Blondie Miss Brown, but remembered that she did not love her very. And I sat down with Blondie in one room, and waited.Blondie at all growling, who came and behaved strangely. Behind her came Herr Hitler, she just went with it. Herr Hitler told me that I can walk here, wherever I want. I did not ask; he allowed me. Maybe I'll use it.

Down here, it looks strange; sometimes I do not know the people I know: they have different faces and other voices. Remember when you told me that after that illness you could not learn from anyone? Then I could not understand you, but now I understand. I, too, as if something had been ill. If you could swim with Ludwig! I forgot to ask you, how many live dolphins! I'll confess: I wrote a story about Ludwig, as he saved a boy. It's not quite all, as it was; is my fantasy. I'd love to show it to you. I thought this story about each word. Tomorrow I'll also write only important, but it's probably you will be boring to read about how I've been doing nothing, and thought all gone. Somehow, I just want to sit and write to you, just like that, everything I imagine that we seem to sit in our gazebo in Reydskholdsgryune and talk. But I see it for long - once the ship, the ocean ... We are sailing, will not move, but you say that it is not. How do you know? If I could show you the story, you would say, if I have the ability or not? And what is more important: talent or experience, knowledge? What is interesting in the retelling?Dad told me that at my age scribbled piles of paper, but all in vain, because at that age has nothing to say and you need to remember - from "Faust": ... who thought poor and diligent, scribbled in vain paraphrase borrowed phrases from everywhere, all about speed is limited . "

And I just remembered the other lines: "When seriously has something you do not become you chase the words ..." I wrote the story, because the love of Ludwig. I love him more than almost all living beings in the world, even though he was only a dolphin. He's cured you.
Again came the Pope. He said that all of us will be fine.
Again came the Pope. He said that all of us will be fine.
Mom was not feeling well; Her heart aches, and I have to be to small. My sister and brother behave well and listen to me. Dad told to practice with them two songs by Schubert. I sang them to your favorite; they repeated at the hearing. I also began to read them on the memory of the "Faust"; They listened attentively, with serious faces. Heidi does not understand anything, thinks it's an English fairy tale. And Helmut asked whether and to us, too, to fly Mephistopheles. And you know that we all started after that to do? That is, of course, I proposed, and they have supported. At first I thought it would be just a game, fun for the little ones. We began to think of who and what would be asked of Mephistopheles! I myself began to think, and then came to her senses. I explained to them, who is Mephistopheles, and that do not need to ask anything, even if it will be a chance here.
So I decided to pray with them, as my grandmother taught. When we began to pray, we went to Dad. He said nothing, just stood silently and listened. When dad I could not pray. No, he did not say anything, did not even smile. He looked so like myself would like to pray with us. I have never understood why people suddenly pray if they do not believe in God. I do not believe; I'm in this firm. But I prayed, my grandmother, who is also hard - in the faith. Remember, Henry, that was the question you asked me in your last letter: if I believe in God? In that letter, which I did not send, I'll easily said she did not believe it. And now I firmly say it again: I do not believe. I then realized it forever. I do not believe in God, but, it turns out, I suspect that there is a devil? That is the temptation. And here it is dirty. I prayed, because ... I wanted ... to wash, wash, or even ... at least wash your hands. I do not know how else to explain it. You think about it, okay? You somehow all know how to connect or unravel. You told me that you need to study logic. I will study, I generally agreed that when we get home, I'll ask dad to give me those books that you wrote to me. I'll take them with me when we leave the south. April 23. We do not issue a walk in the garden. So many wounded by shrapnel ... ... I see less and less people I know. They say goodbye to his father and mother, so just go for an hour or two. But they do not come back.
Today my mom brought us to Herr Hitler, and we sang Schubert. Pope harmonica tried to play "G minor" by Bach. We laughed. Herr Hitler promised that soon we will be back home, because from the southwest began a mess of a large army and tanks. today I came down three times, and I saw the Minister von Ribbentrop. I heard that he spoke to Herr Hitler and the Pope: he did not want to leave, asked him to leave. Pope urged him, and Herr Hitler said that diplomats are now of no use, if the minister wants, let him take machine - this is the best diplomacy. When von Ribbentrop was leaving his tears flowed. I stood at the door and I could not bring myself to move.

I thought: what is the benefit from us? I would still be left with his father and mother, but little good to take away from here. They are quiet, almost no role. Hard for me to look at them. If I talk to you at least a minute! We would come up with something. You would come up with! I know you would have figured out how to convince mom and dad to send small, at least to my grandmother. How do I convince them ?! I do not know ... ... (several times, very carefully crossed out).April 25th.
I was angry at my mother. She told me that she asked the doctor to give me a pill Shvegermanna on which I slept all day. My mom says that I became nervous. That's not true! I'm just not all can understand, and I is not explained. Today Herr Hitler very much shouting at someone, and when I asked - on whom, Dad yelled at me.Mom was crying, but says nothing. Something has happened. Hellmuth went down there and heard that said Fraulein Christian, secretary-typist, Goering - a traitor.But this is not true, why repeat ?! Just strange that he can not send anyone because I saw General Greim and his wife Hannah: they arrived by plane from the south. This means that you can fly away from here? If the plane is small, you can put only the kids, even without Hellmuth.
He said he would stay with my dad, mom and me, and while Hilda will take care of the kids. That would be correct, but still it would be better Hellmuth also flew. He cries every night. He's so well done: laugh all day and playing with Heidi instead of me.
Henry, I just now started to feel like I love them - Helmut and sisters! They are a little bit older, and you see what they are! They can be real friends, though still so small! And again, I remember how you were right when he wrote - how great it is that I have so many of them that I five times happy, but you and Annchen - only twice. I love them very much ... Now came another aircraft; He sat on the Ost-West ... Henry, I saw your dad !!! He's here, he's with us !!! I'll tell you right now! He's sleeping right now. He was very tired. He arrived at some ridiculous plane and said that villages "on the head of a Russian." At first no one knew, because he had a beard, mustache and wig, and in the form of sergeant. Knew him only Blondie; she put on his chest and paws wagged her tail. It told me my mother. I ran to him, and he - just think - he wanted to take me in his arms, as before !!! We laughed so hard, laughing! He said that I've been stretched, like a root without light. Mama said that I finished the letter, because it can be transmitted. I do not know how to finish: I have not told you anything. Henry, I ... (these two words carefully crossed out, but read).

Today almost an hour not fired. We went out into the garden. Mom talked to your dad, then the back of her heart, and she sat down to rest. Your dad found me crocus. I asked him, what will happen to us. He said he wanted to take us out of here. But he needed another plane; he did procure and fly for us and for her mother."If you can not lie down, so I was shot down. Then go out underground.
sahib you will bring. " I saw my mother nodded. She had a bright face. He told me that I was not afraid.
sahib you will bring. " I saw my mother nodded. She had a bright face. He told me that I was not afraid.
I asked him what will happen: with my dad, your uncle Rudolf, generally with the Germans, and what will happen to them if it is taken into captivity? He replied that such players who have failed, withdrawn from the team. But the team will continue to play - to me it is hard to remember. I asked her how to continue if all bombed and blown up - dad about it all the time talking on the radio? Mom yelled at me, called obnoxious and unfeeling. Your dad took us both by the hand and said that we did not fight, because in Germany it is time for women and that women can not win.started firing ... ... Today 28th. We will take out two days later. Or we leave. I told him about it a little. They immediately began to collect toys. They are bad here!They will not survive.
Mom has an older brother Harald our. She asked me to show her my letter to you. I said that I had already given him. I'm so ashamed. I have never before so my mother did not lie. I was able to come to your father for a minute down and ask, do I need to tell you in writing something, they say, when they know that no longer meet? He said: "In any case, let me know. You've grown up, you realize that neither Hitler nor your father nor I - none of us can not take responsibility for their words as before. This is not in our power." He kissed me. But your dad honest. Just in case I say goodbye to you. Now I need to send a letter. Then go upstairs to the little. I will not say anything to them. Previously, we had us, and now, from this moment, and I have them.
Henry, do you remember when you and I ran in our garden, in Reyholsgryune, and hid all night ... Do you remember what I did and how you did not like it? And if I did it now? You then said that kissing some girl ... And now? May I introduce myself that did it again? I do not know what you will answer .. but I have ... presented ... I'm so happy that I have it, a very long time, with the most of our childhood, when we were with you first met. And it has grown and now is the same as in adults, as your mother to your father. I always envied them so! Do not think that I am a traitor. I love mom and dad, I do not judge them, and this is as it should be, that we will all be together. Henry ... Henry ... When I'm giving a letter, kiss your dad.Helga. PS On materials journalist Elena Syanovoy (at the beginning of 1990 x it was among the few who had the opportunity to work in the open for a short time for researchers trophy archives of the General Staff of the Soviet Army): In 1958, in Munich held a hearing the case "On the killing of six young children spouses Goebbels", which was attended by an American journalist Herbert Linz. In his hands was a copy of the transcript of interrogation Helmut Kunz, of May 1945, in which he confessed to investigators SMERSH that he personally did Goebbels children soporific injections of morphine and was present at how Magda Goebbels with his hands to give their children the poison. Prior to the meeting, Herbert Linz paid Visit Kunz and presented a copy of the interrogation: - So, if I ask my Russian friends to submit the originals of your confessions of 1945, you will not witness and accomplice in the crime, the murder of children - the journalist said Kunz. - And if you want to avoid this, tell me the truth. Kuntz refused to talk to the "lousy amerikashki." Then Herbert Linz called his real name - Henry Ley, son of the former leader of the Labour Front, Robert Ley. In 1940, at the age of eight years old his mother took him out of Germany, and in 1955 he became an American citizen. And Kunz showed another document - a report of survey of Soviet doctors tel Goebbels children. The minutes stated that on the face of the older, Helga, there are signs of physical abuse. Kuntz then made a last confession: - There was a terrible ... After the death of my girls in the bombing of the 45th it was the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. She ... Helga ... awake. And stood up. According to Kunz, the following happened. slew of children so no one dared. Then Goebbels before taking poison ordered, after he and his wife are dead, their bodies burned in the room, closing the doors, but opening the door to the children's bedrooms. It will be enough ... When the body burning with Goebbels somehow put out, and the air was cleared, Helga woke up. She was told about the death of his parents. But she did not believe. She showed and supposedly deceased sisters and brothers, but again she did not believe it. It has become their shake and almost woke Helmut. All the kids really were still alive. But anyone in the bunker was no longer up to the kids!Remaining with Bormann prepared to break under the protection of an armored personnel carrier. Shtumpfegger Dr. Kunz said that Bormann ordered not to leave Helga alive. This precocious girl - too dangerous witness. Both doctors, Shtumpfegger and Kunz, Bormann offered to take the kids with you and use them to create an image running from shelling of a large family, but Bormann ordered not to ramble. In his opinion, will the parents should have to perform!

Kunz allegedly tried to interfere. But Shtumpfegger hit him, and then struck and Helge slap in the face, then put it in his mouth capsule of poison and clenched his jaw. Then he put his mouth in the capsule of the rest of the children. Dr. Helmut Kunz died in 1976 in the town of Freudenstadt. Until the last day of his life he was active, had an extensive medical practice. His involvement in the murder of children Goebbels nobody and never remembered.
Henry Leigh died in 1968 from a severe breakdown. At the age of 36 years. Remains Goebbels children in 1945 were buried in the suburbs of Berlin. On the night of April 5, 1970 the graves were opened, the remains removed and burned. Ashes scattered over the Elbe.
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