CEO "Almaz-Antey" Yang Novikov, as reported by his press office, said that EU sanctions against Concern PVO only confirmed the importance of the company's products for the defense of the country. According to him, "the EU's decision to impose sanctions is ambivalent feeling. With one hand, we are proud of concern in connection with this assessment of its significance for countries. On the other, there is regret for this hypocritical decision. " Novikov said that "in the absence of arguments about the possible involvement of militias and especially Russia to the tragedy of the Malaysian" Boeing-777 "on the ground Donetsk, resort to various tricks, blaming the incident on the developer weapon is unacceptable." In the words of "RG" Director Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade Igor Korotchenko, a decision aimed at restricting the activities of the Russian company in the global arms market, due primarily to increased competition. The West is trying to clear one of the strongest players, using absolutely unscrupulous techniques. Today our concern defense is ranked 14th in the ranking of the world's leading manufacturers of weapons and military equipment. Rapidly growing demand for system "S-300" various modifications, "Tor-M1" and other complexes that can not disturb the competitors. Without the ability to create military equipment, at least partially close as possible to the Russian models, we start to press on administrative. Agree, somehow not in the market look such actions. Officials of the European Union, of course, justified its decision by the fact that it is "Almaz-Antey" is responsible for the downed "Boeing-777" and should be punished. Strange logic. Investigation into the causes crash Malaysian liner and still almost did not start. Who and what brought down the airliner - is unknown. True, it's no mystery, SAM "Buk-M1" from the Soviet era remain in the Army of Ukraine. But here the blame "Almaz-Antey" not, as in the USSR group with the same name has not yet been. Despite the sanctions, the leadership of "Almaz-Antey" promises to fulfill all obligations of the state defense order and export sales. Russian air defense system rightly considered the best The world. Widely known for the famous "trehsotka." Under the name of S-300 produced several types of combat systems, designed to cover the stationary and moving objects. C-300V4, for example, can perform tasks even missile defense. One system S-300V4, since the range of 300 kilometers, is able to simultaneously bombard 24 aerodynamic targets, including inconspicuous objects, or 16 ballistic missiles flying at speeds up to 4500 m / s.Today we can say that it is the C-300V4 covered the sky during the Sochi Winter Olympics there. Currently, the production of even more powerful S-400, finalized C-500. Specialists of the company has created a unique mobile anti-aircraft missile system S-350E "Hero". In the world it is not unique. P-350E secures within 60 kilometers. This is an important line of defense. Launcher includes 12 missiles. The system is able to simultaneously hit 16 aerodynamic and ballistic targets 12, that is, short-range missiles at ranges of up to 60 km and a height of 10 m to 30 km.Information processing is based on digital technologies. "Knights" has already started to produce commercially. They are adopted by the Russian army, and soon, in spite of all sanctions will be exported. On the global arms market is not less popular than the powerful "trehsotki" use anti-aircraft missiles short range "Tor-M1". They are able to reliably cover all means of air attack troops on the march. "Torah" are in service in many countries, including China and Greece. Going to meet the wishes of customers, the company developed a modular modification of "Thor." It can be mounted on wheeled chassis, produced by those countries that are willing to buy such a complex. Specifically, now, "Thor" can be mounted on the base of the Indian heavy truck "TATA" and based on the chassis of the Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant. Both options have aroused great interest of potential foreign customers. Since all the stuffing of domestic air-defense systems available in our country, the ban on imports in some Russian high-tech element base, does not affect the quality of missiles and control systems and will not affect the rate of release of defensive weapons for air- aerospace defense of the Fatherland. Dossier "RG" Concern was established in 2002. It includes 46 enterprises - factories, research and production associations, design bureaus and research institutes. In 2007, there was an integration group, now in its composition over sixty companies of the seventeen regions of the country. Goes active renewal process equipment and the establishment of serial production of military equipment of the fifth generation. Rossiyskaya Gazeta
Sunday, September 14, 2014
European Union announced sanctions against the famous Concern PVO Manual leading domestic developer systems Aerospace Defense responded to a purely political decision of the West rather calmly.

CEO "Almaz-Antey" Yang Novikov, as reported by his press office, said that EU sanctions against Concern PVO only confirmed the importance of the company's products for the defense of the country. According to him, "the EU's decision to impose sanctions is ambivalent feeling. With one hand, we are proud of concern in connection with this assessment of its significance for countries. On the other, there is regret for this hypocritical decision. " Novikov said that "in the absence of arguments about the possible involvement of militias and especially Russia to the tragedy of the Malaysian" Boeing-777 "on the ground Donetsk, resort to various tricks, blaming the incident on the developer weapon is unacceptable." In the words of "RG" Director Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade Igor Korotchenko, a decision aimed at restricting the activities of the Russian company in the global arms market, due primarily to increased competition. The West is trying to clear one of the strongest players, using absolutely unscrupulous techniques. Today our concern defense is ranked 14th in the ranking of the world's leading manufacturers of weapons and military equipment. Rapidly growing demand for system "S-300" various modifications, "Tor-M1" and other complexes that can not disturb the competitors. Without the ability to create military equipment, at least partially close as possible to the Russian models, we start to press on administrative. Agree, somehow not in the market look such actions. Officials of the European Union, of course, justified its decision by the fact that it is "Almaz-Antey" is responsible for the downed "Boeing-777" and should be punished. Strange logic. Investigation into the causes crash Malaysian liner and still almost did not start. Who and what brought down the airliner - is unknown. True, it's no mystery, SAM "Buk-M1" from the Soviet era remain in the Army of Ukraine. But here the blame "Almaz-Antey" not, as in the USSR group with the same name has not yet been. Despite the sanctions, the leadership of "Almaz-Antey" promises to fulfill all obligations of the state defense order and export sales. Russian air defense system rightly considered the best The world. Widely known for the famous "trehsotka." Under the name of S-300 produced several types of combat systems, designed to cover the stationary and moving objects. C-300V4, for example, can perform tasks even missile defense. One system S-300V4, since the range of 300 kilometers, is able to simultaneously bombard 24 aerodynamic targets, including inconspicuous objects, or 16 ballistic missiles flying at speeds up to 4500 m / s.Today we can say that it is the C-300V4 covered the sky during the Sochi Winter Olympics there. Currently, the production of even more powerful S-400, finalized C-500. Specialists of the company has created a unique mobile anti-aircraft missile system S-350E "Hero". In the world it is not unique. P-350E secures within 60 kilometers. This is an important line of defense. Launcher includes 12 missiles. The system is able to simultaneously hit 16 aerodynamic and ballistic targets 12, that is, short-range missiles at ranges of up to 60 km and a height of 10 m to 30 km.Information processing is based on digital technologies. "Knights" has already started to produce commercially. They are adopted by the Russian army, and soon, in spite of all sanctions will be exported. On the global arms market is not less popular than the powerful "trehsotki" use anti-aircraft missiles short range "Tor-M1". They are able to reliably cover all means of air attack troops on the march. "Torah" are in service in many countries, including China and Greece. Going to meet the wishes of customers, the company developed a modular modification of "Thor." It can be mounted on wheeled chassis, produced by those countries that are willing to buy such a complex. Specifically, now, "Thor" can be mounted on the base of the Indian heavy truck "TATA" and based on the chassis of the Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant. Both options have aroused great interest of potential foreign customers. Since all the stuffing of domestic air-defense systems available in our country, the ban on imports in some Russian high-tech element base, does not affect the quality of missiles and control systems and will not affect the rate of release of defensive weapons for air- aerospace defense of the Fatherland. Dossier "RG" Concern was established in 2002. It includes 46 enterprises - factories, research and production associations, design bureaus and research institutes. In 2007, there was an integration group, now in its composition over sixty companies of the seventeen regions of the country. Goes active renewal process equipment and the establishment of serial production of military equipment of the fifth generation. Rossiyskaya Gazeta

CEO "Almaz-Antey" Yang Novikov, as reported by his press office, said that EU sanctions against Concern PVO only confirmed the importance of the company's products for the defense of the country. According to him, "the EU's decision to impose sanctions is ambivalent feeling. With one hand, we are proud of concern in connection with this assessment of its significance for countries. On the other, there is regret for this hypocritical decision. " Novikov said that "in the absence of arguments about the possible involvement of militias and especially Russia to the tragedy of the Malaysian" Boeing-777 "on the ground Donetsk, resort to various tricks, blaming the incident on the developer weapon is unacceptable." In the words of "RG" Director Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade Igor Korotchenko, a decision aimed at restricting the activities of the Russian company in the global arms market, due primarily to increased competition. The West is trying to clear one of the strongest players, using absolutely unscrupulous techniques. Today our concern defense is ranked 14th in the ranking of the world's leading manufacturers of weapons and military equipment. Rapidly growing demand for system "S-300" various modifications, "Tor-M1" and other complexes that can not disturb the competitors. Without the ability to create military equipment, at least partially close as possible to the Russian models, we start to press on administrative. Agree, somehow not in the market look such actions. Officials of the European Union, of course, justified its decision by the fact that it is "Almaz-Antey" is responsible for the downed "Boeing-777" and should be punished. Strange logic. Investigation into the causes crash Malaysian liner and still almost did not start. Who and what brought down the airliner - is unknown. True, it's no mystery, SAM "Buk-M1" from the Soviet era remain in the Army of Ukraine. But here the blame "Almaz-Antey" not, as in the USSR group with the same name has not yet been. Despite the sanctions, the leadership of "Almaz-Antey" promises to fulfill all obligations of the state defense order and export sales. Russian air defense system rightly considered the best The world. Widely known for the famous "trehsotka." Under the name of S-300 produced several types of combat systems, designed to cover the stationary and moving objects. C-300V4, for example, can perform tasks even missile defense. One system S-300V4, since the range of 300 kilometers, is able to simultaneously bombard 24 aerodynamic targets, including inconspicuous objects, or 16 ballistic missiles flying at speeds up to 4500 m / s.Today we can say that it is the C-300V4 covered the sky during the Sochi Winter Olympics there. Currently, the production of even more powerful S-400, finalized C-500. Specialists of the company has created a unique mobile anti-aircraft missile system S-350E "Hero". In the world it is not unique. P-350E secures within 60 kilometers. This is an important line of defense. Launcher includes 12 missiles. The system is able to simultaneously hit 16 aerodynamic and ballistic targets 12, that is, short-range missiles at ranges of up to 60 km and a height of 10 m to 30 km.Information processing is based on digital technologies. "Knights" has already started to produce commercially. They are adopted by the Russian army, and soon, in spite of all sanctions will be exported. On the global arms market is not less popular than the powerful "trehsotki" use anti-aircraft missiles short range "Tor-M1". They are able to reliably cover all means of air attack troops on the march. "Torah" are in service in many countries, including China and Greece. Going to meet the wishes of customers, the company developed a modular modification of "Thor." It can be mounted on wheeled chassis, produced by those countries that are willing to buy such a complex. Specifically, now, "Thor" can be mounted on the base of the Indian heavy truck "TATA" and based on the chassis of the Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant. Both options have aroused great interest of potential foreign customers. Since all the stuffing of domestic air-defense systems available in our country, the ban on imports in some Russian high-tech element base, does not affect the quality of missiles and control systems and will not affect the rate of release of defensive weapons for air- aerospace defense of the Fatherland. Dossier "RG" Concern was established in 2002. It includes 46 enterprises - factories, research and production associations, design bureaus and research institutes. In 2007, there was an integration group, now in its composition over sixty companies of the seventeen regions of the country. Goes active renewal process equipment and the establishment of serial production of military equipment of the fifth generation. Rossiyskaya Gazeta
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