Sunday, December 14, 2014


"Enterprise" - perhaps the most famous US aircraft carrier. This is the first aircraft carrier with a nuclear power plant. He put into operation in 1961. The first and the only ship of its project, despite five more planned for the construction of ships of the series. The total cost of "Enterprise" has reached 451 million dollars, and that was one of the reasons why the construction of a series of ships refused.

Has the highest (342.3 meters) length among the warships of the world. The First, the Finest ("first and best") - one of the mottos of the aircraft carrier. Single load nuclear fuel is enough for 13 years of service, during which the ship can take up to 1 million miles. The total 2520 tons of arms ammunition.


(Logo carrier)
In January 1969, nuclear aircraft carrier went on combat duty next to the coast of Vietnam. En route to the area of the Hawaiian Islands to pass the annual inspection of combat / operational readiness. In the US Navy, it is called the «Operational Readiness Inspection» and is actually the last line that must be overcome warship before he set about the task of military service. But this time, the final frontier hardly really was the last in the history of nuclear-powered ship. On January 14, in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands, about 70 miles from Honolulu, there was an accident ... at 8:15 am local time, when the first wave of planes in the sky is gone and finished second. During the preparation of one of the fighter-bombers, F-4J «Phantom II» for a combat flight warhead exploded under his wing suspended 127-mm unguided Mk 32 "Zuni» (Zuni). According to the members of the committee that conducted the investigation into the incident, the explosion occurred due to overheating of a missile caused quite a lasting impact on her jet engine aircraft of another, who was on the deck of an aircraft carrier of flight and also ready to go.

(The explosion at the "Enterprise" January 14, 1969)
The explosion of the rocket at the stern of the aircraft carrier there was a strong fire, which, in turn, has led to a series of explosions bombs and unguided rockets. Commission of the collected data and witnesses, within only 20 minutes of flight deck of the nuclear icebreaker was 18 explosions, including eight detonated bombs caliber 500 pounds (227 kg).
In detail, according to restored during the investigation into the events of the day first exploded ammunition was in the area on the aft starboard aircraft carrier F-4J «Phantom II» (side number 103), so that in the area there was a large source of fire.
However, after some time, namely, at 8:26 am in the same area of flight deck there was another massive explosion - it was the cause of the simultaneous detonation of ordnance suspended on several attack aircraft A-7 B «Corsair II» and involving 500-pound bombs, unguided rockets "Zuni" and more than 400 rounds of 20 mm caliber for aviation aircraft guns.

(So ​​"Le Corsaire" stood on the deck of "Enterprise" before the fire)
After that, the captain turned the "Enterprise" against the wind, so that the smoke from the fire is not shrouded superstructure and not limited to a review from the bridge of the ship. Emergency command of an aircraft carrier began to extinguish the fires. However, the fire reached the seven standing nearby aircraft F-4J «Phantom II», each of whom was armed with guided missiles "Sparrow" class "air - air".

(Emergency teams are fighting for survival "Enterprise")
On 4 planes were also more and six bombs caliber 500 pounds and eight 127-mm unguided missiles "Zuni". Followed by new explosions, fire area expanded rapidly. As a result, emergency teams, despite their dedicated work, it was not possible to localize the fire on the starboard side, and the flames spread from the "Phantom" with tail number 112 on the "Phantom" with tail number 310, was standing on the deck of flight on the left side. According to the memoirs witnesses, engaged in the struggle for survival of the ship l / s crew barely had time to deploy additional funds to fight the fire in the area of the left side of flight deck as there is a new powerful explosion thundered. At this time, detonated ammunition were there two fighter-bombers "Phantom" with onboard №№ 105 and 106, as well as fuel tanks located near electronic warfare aircraft A-3 "Skayuorrior."

(As a result of the detonation of ammunition in the armor of flight deck formed three huge holes,
one of which captured two decks and a significant part of nuclear-powered board,
and in the right side of "Enterprise" gaping hole with a diameter of 4.5 meters)
The explosion was so strong that from the "phantoms" have not even left engine - only a small fragment of the forward fuselage was left lying on the deck of flight. In a huge ball of flame ensuing fire killed almost all the soldiers who were at the time said the explosion in the composition calculations emergency teams left side, and a significant number of seafarers were seriously injured. After a while, the flames spread to the hangar, where it continued to rage for more than 3 hours.

(At the atomic "Enterprise" hell's going on)
At this time using atomic monster hurry. Coming up destroyer "Rogers" type "Gearing" and destroyer URO "Benjamin Stoddert" type "Charles F. Adams," brought down on the burning ship tons of water.
Together, the fire was extinguished, but the aircraft carrier suffered considerable damage. The team showed dedication, courage and heroism, continuing the fight against the fire, even despite the fact that each of follow one another all the explosions brought new victims, literally vykashivaya ranks of sailors. One eyewitness described later is the "real meat grinder."

(At the side - the destroyer "Rogers» (DD-876), the distance can be seen coming to the aid of the destroyer URO "Benjamin Stoddert» (DDG-22),
and in the foreground - last attack aircraft A-7B "Corsair II» (left) and Fighter -bombardirovschik F-4J «Phantom II» (right))
As part of the follow-up investigations Commander Harold Mount, he served in the headquarters of the commander of the air force of the Pacific Fleet of the US Navy, evaluating the actions of personnel "Enterprise", says: "In my opinion, the personnel of the deck crew showed unexampled heroism. They rolled fire hoses and fought the fire, and when another explosion swept half the emergency party to replace the fallen comrades came to them - they took fire hoses and boldly walked into the fire ... I think that's what the staff of the deck crew through their actions provided localization and managed reduce the damage " . In turn, Captain Robert Hulherst, head of the study group of the Pacific Fleet of the US Navy and a witness of the tragedy, said: "Fight fire in such conditions was a matter almost impossible. Constantly exploding bombs and other munitions, causing losses in personnel. I do not know how many people were killed or injured as a result of the detonation of ammunition, but after the fire was extinguished, I found that facing aft part of the superstructure of the ship-skeleton literally riddled with shrapnel, and shrapnel " .

(It looked like an aircraft carrier after extinguishing the fire)
As a result of the detonation of ammunition in the aircraft flight deck of an aircraft carrier armored, which "is designed to be to withstand hit 500-pound bombs", formed three huge holes, one of which captured two decks and a significant portion of the board nuclear-powered icebreaker. In the right side of "Enterprise" gaping hole ominous void diameter of about 4.5 meters, and received significant damage to the interior of the vehicle. In fact, the wave of destruction in varying degrees, reached the level of the water line carrier. ... In total, the accident killed 28 people received injuries of varying severity, 343 people from the crew and the ship's wing "Enterprise" and destroyers "Benjamin Stoddert" and "Rogers" was completely destroyed 15 military aircraft. About the various equipment that were destroyed in the flames of a huge fire and destroyed by the shock waves of powerful explosions, and say no. The damage amounted to millions of dollars, plus he had to postpone military service aircraft carrier off the coast of Vietnam. "In war as in war ..." ship repair, implemented at the shipyard of the US Navy at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, took six weeks. March 5, 1969 the first aircraft carrier out to sea on a five-day sea trials, after the completion of which was re-directed to the water Gulf of Tonkin. January tragedy, which received a US naval history books called the "Great Fire» (Big Fire), had a great influence on her witnesses and experts.


(November 4, 2012 the first aircraft carrier has completed its last 8-month voyage.
Total "Enterprise" 25 times out to sea. Decommissioned December 1, 2012).

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